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225 Thanksgiving Riddles That Will Delight!

Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and fun, and what better way to entertain your guests than with some clever riddles?

Below, we’ve compiled 225 Thanksgiving riddles with answers to keep everyone laughing and guessing during the holiday festivities.

Turkey Riddles

Get everyone gobbling with laughter as you kick off Thanksgiving with these clever turkey-themed riddles.

  • What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede?
    A drumstick for everyone!
  • Why did the turkey join the band?
    Because it had the drumsticks!
  • What did the turkey say to the computer?
    Google, google, google!
  • Why can’t you take a turkey to church?
    Because they use fowl language!
  • What key won’t open any doors?
    A turkey!
  • Why did the turkey bring a microphone to dinner?
    Because it was ready to roast!
  • Why did the turkey cross the road?
    To prove it wasn’t chicken!
  • What’s the most musical part of a turkey?
    The drumsticks!
  • What sound does a turkey’s phone make?
    Wing, wing!
  • Why was the turkey the drummer in the band?
    Because it had the drumsticks, of course!
  • What do turkeys do when they go on a diet?
    They gobble less!
  • Why don’t turkeys fly?
    Because they’re afraid of heights!
  • What kind of weather do turkeys like best?
    Fowl weather!
  • What did the turkey say before it was roasted?
    I’m stuffed!
  • Why did the police arrest the turkey?
    They suspected fowl play!
  • What did the turkey say to the ham?
    You’re bacon me crazy!
  • How do you keep a turkey in suspense?
    I’ll tell you later!
  • How many turkeys does it take to change a lightbulb?
    Just one, but it’ll wing it!
  • Why didn’t the turkey want dessert?
    Because it was already stuffed!
  • Why do turkeys always go, “gobble, gobble”?
    Because they never learned table manners!
  • Why did the turkey sit on the pumpkin?
    Because it wanted to hatch a pie!
  • How did the turkey win the talent show?
    It winged it!
  • Why was the turkey so good at math?
    It was great at multiplying!
  • What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
    Pumpkin pi!
  • What kind of music do turkeys like?
    Anything with a drumbeat!
  • Why did the turkey break up with the chicken?
    It found someone with more stuffing!
  • What did the turkey say to the cranberry sauce?
    I’m berry thankful for you!
  • Why was the turkey always picked last?
    Because it was always chicken!
  • Why don’t turkeys play baseball?
    They can’t handle the stuffing!
  • Why did the turkey skip the formal dinner?
    It didn’t want to get roasted!
  • How does a turkey text?
    With its wings!
  • Why did the turkey go to school?
    To improve its foul language!
  • Why was the turkey afraid of Thanksgiving?
    Because it knew it would be stuffed!
  • Why don’t turkeys tell secrets?
    Because they can’t keep anything down!
  • What did the turkey say when it finished eating?
    I’m stuffed!
  • How do you know a turkey is a great dancer?
    Because it has all the right moves!
  • What side of the turkey has the most feathers?
    The outside!
  • Why don’t turkeys ever get lost?
    Because they have a great sense of direction!
  • Why was the turkey at the comedy show?
    It was ready for a roast!
  • Why don’t turkeys go to the movies?
    They’re afraid of getting cooked!
  • Why don’t turkeys use cell phones?
    Because they can’t type with their wings!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?
    Peach gobbler!
  • How do you stop a turkey from gobbling?
    Press the pause button!
  • Why did the turkey join the circus?
    It was a natural wingman!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite instrument?
    The drums!
  • Why did the turkey get a ticket?
    For exceeding the pecking limit!

thanksgiving riddles

Pumpkin Riddles

It’s time to squash the competition with these fun pumpkin-themed riddles for all ages.

  • What do you get if you drop a pumpkin?
  • Why was the pumpkin so round?
    Because it was full of pie ideas!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport?
  • How do pumpkins communicate with each other?
    By using pumpkin patches!
  • Why do pumpkins sit on doorsteps?
    Because they have no hands to knock!
  • Why was the pumpkin afraid of Thanksgiving?
    It knew it was going to get smashed!
  • What’s orange and goes, “Boo!”?
    A pumpkin dressed as a ghost!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite movie?
    Orange is the New Black!
  • How do pumpkins keep in shape?
    They squash!
  • Why did the pumpkin cross the road?
    It fell off the wagon!
  • What do you call a pumpkin that works at the beach?
    A life gourd!
  • How do pumpkins grow in their gardens?
    They vine their own business!
  • Why do pumpkins make great friends?
    They have gourd hearts!
  • Why do pumpkins tell terrible jokes?
    Because they’re corny!
  • How do pumpkins clean their houses?
    With a pumpkin broom!
  • What does a pumpkin call its friends?
  • What did the pumpkin say to the pie?
    You’re filling me with joy!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s least favorite fairy tale?
    Cinderella, because it hates midnight!
  • Why do pumpkins get invited to all the parties?
    They’re a gourd time!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite animal?
    A gourd-ger!
  • Why did the pumpkin fail at life?
    Because it had no seeds of success!
  • What do pumpkins say when they’re surprised?
    Oh my gourd!
  • How did the pumpkin fix its problem?
    It patched things up!
  • Why did the pumpkin win the race?
    It was on a roll!
  • Why did the pumpkin feel empty?
    It had nothing to offer!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite kind of competition?
    A pie-eating contest!
  • How do pumpkins mend their broken hearts?
    With pumpkin patches!
  • Why don’t pumpkins ever get lost?
    Because they follow the pie crumbs!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite place to visit?
    The patch!
  • Why do pumpkins make the best mathematicians?
    Because they know how to round up!
  • How did the pumpkin greet its friends?
    With a big, squashy hug!
  • Why did the pumpkin have so many friends?
    It was always gourd to go!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite dance move?
    The mash!
  • How do pumpkins listen to music?
    On their gourdphones!
  • Why was the pumpkin so quiet?
    It was too squashy to speak!
  • Why do pumpkins make bad stand-up comedians?
    Their jokes are too seedy!
  • How do pumpkins share their feelings?
    They carve out some time to talk!
  • What did the pumpkin say when it was asked out on a date?
    I’m already mashed!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite instrument?
    The gourdian flute!
  • Why are pumpkins terrible at school?
    They always squash their homework!
  • How do pumpkins talk to ghosts?
    They boo-tify their conversations!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s favorite workout?
    The patch-up!
  • Why did the pumpkin go to therapy?
    To squash its feelings!
  • Why did the pumpkin avoid the gym?
    It didn’t want to get squashed!
  • What do pumpkins use to fix their computers?
  • How did the pumpkin become the life of the party?
    It squashed all the competition!

thanksgiving riddles

Corn Riddles

Get your kernel of truth with these amusing corn-based riddles for your Thanksgiving celebration.

  • What do you call a single piece of corn?
    A kernel of truth!
  • Why did the corn break up with the carrot?
    Because it couldn’t husk its feelings anymore!
  • Why do cornstalks never tell secrets?
    Because they’re all ears!
  • Why was the corn afraid of telling jokes?
    Because it was afraid of getting creamed!
  • What’s a corn’s favorite movie?
    Field of Dreams!
  • How do you know corn is friendly?
    It’s always ears for you!
  • Why don’t corn stalks ever fight?
    Because they’re always too corny!
  • Why did the corn become a singer?
    Because it had perfect ears!
  • What do you get when you cross corn with a spider?
  • Why was the corn embarrassed?
    Because it got shucked in public!
  • What kind of music do cornfields love?
    Pop music!
  • Why don’t corn stalks get lost?
    Because they have an ear for directions!
  • What did the corn say when it got complimented?
    Aw, shucks!
  • Why did the corn start a band?
    Because it had some husky vocals!
  • How do cornstalks keep in shape?
    By doing corn crunches!
  • What did the corn say at the talent show?
    I’m all ears!
  • How does corn like to get cooked?
    It likes it hot and buttery!
  • Why did the cornfield break up?
    It couldn’t handle the pressure!
  • What do you call corn that’s been to the gym?
    Shucked and fit!
  • Why was the corn always smiling?
    Because it was outstanding in its field!
  • What do you get when you cross a vampire with corn?
  • How do you know corn is a great listener?
    Because it’s all ears!
  • What’s a corn’s favorite mode of transportation?
    The cobmobile!
  • How does corn stay so strong?
    It’s packed with kernel power!
  • Why do corn cobs make good secret agents?
    Because they can husk out any secret!
  • What did the corn say to the scarecrow?
    You crack me up!
  • Why was the corn always invited to picnics?
    Because it’s corny, but in a good way!
  • How did the cornfield win the debate?
    It was a-maize-ing!
  • Why did the corn need a haircut?
    It was getting a little husky!
  • Why was the corn stalk always so honest?
    Because it never told a fib!
  • What’s a cornfield’s favorite drink?
    Corn syrup soda!
  • How does corn write love letters?
    With husk and passion!
  • What do you call a group of musical corn?
    The band with perfect ears!
  • Why did the corn make a good counselor?
    Because it was all ears!
  • How does corn get to school?
    On the cob bus!
  • What’s a corn’s favorite game?
  • Why did the corn plant start a podcast?
    It had a lot of kernels of wisdom to share!
  • How did the corn become an influencer?
    It was popping up everywhere!
  • What did the corn say when it got scared?
    I’m about to pop!
  • What do you call a shy corn?
    A little husky!
  • How do you stop corn from arguing?
    Tell them to cob it!
  • What’s a corn’s favorite snack?
    Popcorn, of course!
  • Why did the corn field get into politics?
    Because it had a lot to husk!
  • How do you wake up a cornstalk?
    Shake its ear!
  • Why did the corn go to the party?
    Because it wanted to get shucked!

thanksgiving riddles

Pilgrim and Native American Riddles

Travel back in time with these delightful and thought-provoking riddles about Pilgrims and Native Americans.

  • Why didn’t the Pilgrim tell a joke at the dinner table?
    Because it would be too corny!
  • What kind of shoes did the Pilgrims wear?
    Plymouth Rockers!
  • Why did the Pilgrims sail on the Mayflower?
    Because it was too far to swim!
  • Why did the Pilgrims eat so much on Thanksgiving?
    Because they wanted to Plymouth Rock their pants!
  • What was the Pilgrims’ favorite music?
    Plymouth rock and roll!
  • Why did the Pilgrims want to land on Plymouth Rock?
    Because it was a solid choice!
  • How do you greet a Pilgrim?
    With a hearty “Mayflower you today?”
  • Why was the Pilgrim so bad at gardening?
    Because he could never keep his crops in Plymouth!
  • How did the Pilgrim break the law?
    He over-planted in Plymouth!
  • What do you get when you cross a Pilgrim with a pirate?
    Captain Plymouth!
  • What did the Pilgrims use to bake their pies?
    Pil-griddle pans!
  • What’s the best way to scare a Pilgrim?
    Scream, “The Mayflower’s sinking!”
  • How did the Pilgrims practice medicine?
    With Plymouth antibiotics!
  • What was the Pilgrims’ favorite game?
    Plymouth hide and seek!
  • Why was the Mayflower such a terrible singer?
    Because it couldn’t carry a tune!
  • How did the Pilgrims stay healthy?
    With lots of plym-vitamins!
  • Why didn’t the Pilgrims play cards?
    Because the Mayflower was always a full deck!
  • How did the Pilgrims apologize?
    By offering a piece of Plymouth pie!
  • Why did the Pilgrims bring corn to the first Thanksgiving?
    Because they wanted to make their party a-maize-ing!
  • Why did the Pilgrims always have full stomachs?
    Because they couldn’t stop gobbling!
  • What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite outdoor activity?
    Plymouth rock climbing!
  • How did the Pilgrims find their way?
    They used the Mayflower GPS!
  • Why did the Pilgrims start farming?
    Because they wanted to squash the competition!
  • What’s a Native American’s favorite bird?
    An eagle, because it soars high!
  • Why did the Pilgrims work with the Native Americans?
    Because they needed someone with real maize knowledge!
  • What’s a Native American’s favorite vegetable?
    Maize, of course!
  • Why did the Pilgrims bring so much bread to the feast?
    Because they were on a roll!
  • What did the Pilgrims plant in the spring?
    Plymouth seeds!
  • How did the Pilgrims fix their problems?
    They patched things up with corn husks!
  • What did the Pilgrims use to cut their turkey?
    A Plymouth rock!
  • Why did the Pilgrims sail to the New World?
    Because they couldn’t book a direct flight!
  • Why was the Mayflower always so crowded?
    Because there was never enough Plymouth space!
  • How did the Native Americans help the Pilgrims?
    By showing them how to grow corn and squash!
  • What did the Pilgrims eat on Thanksgiving?
    Whatever was Plymouth cooked!
  • How do Pilgrims send letters?
    With Plymouth postage!
  • What do Pilgrims and turkeys have in common?
    They both gobble up attention at Thanksgiving!
  • Why did the Pilgrims bring grapes to Thanksgiving?
    Because they wanted to wine down!
  • Why did the Pilgrims hate jokes?
    Because they always fell flat on Plymouth Rock!
  • How did the Pilgrims communicate with each other?
    Using Plymouth semaphore!
  • Why didn’t the Pilgrims bring furniture to the New World?
    They wanted to start from scratch!
  • What’s a Pilgrim’s least favorite vegetable?
    Squash, because it reminds them of losing!
  • Why was the Pilgrim always so tired?
    Because he was always working on Plymouth Rock!
  • How do Pilgrims get their crops to grow?
    With a little Plymouth magic!
  • Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?
    It had 24 carrots.
  • What do you get if you cross a turkey with a ghost?
    A poultry-geist!
  • What did the turkey say to the hunter on Thanksgiving?
    Quack, quack!
  • Why did the cranberry turn red?
    Because it saw the turkey dressing!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?
    Apple gobbler!
  • Why don’t turkeys play cards?
    Because they’re afraid of getting roasted!
  • What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children?
    If your father could see you now, he’d turn over in his gravy!
  • What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo?
    A bird that can pluck itself!
  • Why was the turkey invited to the music party?
    Because it had the drumsticks!
  • What happened when the turkey got into a fight?
    He got the stuffing knocked out of him!
  • What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
    The turkey!
  • What did the turkey say to the ham?
    You’re bacon me crazy!
  • What do you call a running turkey?
    Fast food!
  • Why did the scarecrow win an award?
    Because he was outstanding in his field!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite place to shop?
    The gobble gobble mall!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite holiday song?
    “I’m Dreaming of a White Gravy”
  • Why don’t turkeys use social media?
    They’re afraid of getting roasted!
  • What did the turkey say to the pumpkin pie?
    Let’s dish!
  • What do you call it when a turkey lays an egg on top of a barn?
    An eggroll!
  • Why do turkeys always say, “gobble, gobble”?
    Because they never learned good manners!
  • How did the turkey get home for Thanksgiving?
    It took the gravy train!
  • What do you get if you cross a turkey with a porcupine?
    A bird that can stick to its own stuffing!
  • Why didn’t the turkey eat any dessert?
    It was stuffed!
  • Why do cranberries turn red?
    Because they’re embarrassed to be at Thanksgiving dinner!
  • What happens if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
    You get pumpkin pi!
  • What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?
    Your nose!
  • What kind of tan did pilgrims get at the beach?
    A Plymouth tan!
  • Why did the turkey go to the playground?
    To work on its pecking order!
  • Why do pumpkins sit on porches?
    They have no hands to knock!
  • What did the leaf say to the other leaf on Thanksgiving?
    I’m falling for you!
  • Why was the Thanksgiving feast so slow?
    Because everyone was in a turkey coma!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite movie?
    Wingin’ It!
  • How does a turkey drink wine?
    With its gobble-let!
  • Why did the turkey refuse dessert?
    Because it was already stuffed!
  • How do you send a turkey through the mail?
    Bird class!
  • What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie?
    Your teeth!
  • What did the turkey say to the hunter?
    I’m not your bird!
  • What kind of face does a pilgrim make when he’s in pain?
    A Pil-grimace!
  • How do you know the Pilgrims were successful in their job?
    They made the best of a bad Plymouth!
  • Why did the turkey go to jail?
    It was caught in a fowl crime!
  • What did the pie say to the fork?
    You wanna piece of me?
  • Why did the stuffing stay away from the turkey?
    Because it knew things would get messy!
  • What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
    The turkey trot!
  • Why don’t pumpkins do well in competitions?
    They always get smashed!
  • What does the Thanksgiving corn say to the farmer?
    Thank you for being all ears!
  • Why did the turkey refuse to play football?
    It didn’t want to get tackled!
  • What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving?
  • How did the cranberry cross the road?
    In a cranberry bog!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite type of tree?
    A poultry!
  • Why did the turkey run away?
    Because it knew Thanksgiving was just around the corner!
  • What’s a turkey’s favorite flower?
    A crocus, because it always croaks before Thanksgiving!
  • What did the turkey say when it landed?
    Wow, what a fowl landing!
  • Why did the turkey get in trouble at school?
    It was caught gobbling during class!
  • What’s the turkey’s favorite breakfast?
    Eggs, over easy!
  • Why do turkeys make terrible comedians?
    Their jokes are always stuffed!
  • What do you call a turkey on the playground?
    A swingin’ bird!
  • Why did the turkey start a band?
    Because it was good at winging it!
  • What do turkeys use to get their hair done?
    A gobble-dryer!
  • Why was the corn late to Thanksgiving dinner?
    It was stuck in a maze!
  • What does the turkey say after dinner?
    That’s enough to make me gobble all night!
  • Why do Pilgrims’ pants always fall down?
    Because they wear their belt buckles on their hats!
  • How do you make a turkey float?
    With root beer and a turkey leg!
  • What do you call a turkey on a cold day?
    A chilly turkey!
  • Why didn’t the turkey go out on Black Friday?
    It was too stuffed from Thanksgiving!
  • Why did the cranberry sauce get embarrassed?
    It saw the turkey dressing!
  • How does a turkey sneeze?
  • What did the corn say to the cranberry?
    You’re berry sweet!
  • What do you call a mashed potato that’s a detective?
    Sherlock Spuds!
  • Why did the turkey cross the football field?
    To get to the other side of the game!
  • What’s a pumpkin’s least favorite kind of weather?
  • What sound does a space turkey make?
    Hubble, hubble, hubble!
  • Why do turkeys make terrible doctors?
    Because they’re always stuffing their patients!
  • What did the gravy say to the mashed potatoes?
    Let’s get together and pour our hearts out!
  • Why do turkeys avoid playing video games?
    They’re afraid of getting cooked!
  • What does a turkey do when it sees danger?
    It runs as fast as its drumsticks can carry it!
  • Why didn’t the turkey want to go to school?
    It didn’t want to get roasted by the teacher!
  • How do you make a turkey laugh?
    Give it a drumstick and tickle its ribs!
  • Why don’t turkeys take vacations?
    They don’t want to be the main course!
  • What do you get if you cross a turkey with a turtle?
    A slow poke!
  • How did the pilgrims travel to the New World?
    On their Mayflowers!
  • What did the pilgrims use to bake their bread?
    A mayflour sack!
  • What did the turkey say to the mashed potatoes?
    It’s gravy from here on out!
  • Why did the turkey go to college?
    To get a higher stuffing!
  • How does a turkey send a letter?
    By bird mail!
  • What does a turkey eat for dessert?
    Peach gobbler!
  • What did the turkey say when it was asked to tell a joke?
    I’ll give it a wing!

Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks, gathering with loved ones, and enjoying laughter and joy.

These 225 Thanksgiving riddles are sure to keep your guests entertained, from turkey chuckles to pumpkin puns and everything in between.

Whether you’re spending the day with kids, adults, or a mix of both, there’s a riddle here for everyone. Get ready to laugh, think, and share the holiday spirit!