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345 Halloween Riddles That Will Spook and Entertain

Halloween is a time for spooky stories, creepy costumes, and of course, mind-boggling riddles!

We’ve compiled 345 Halloween riddles that are sure to make your hair stand on end while providing endless entertainment.

Ghostly Giggles

  1. What room do ghosts avoid?
    The living room.
  2. Why don’t ghosts like rainy days?
    It dampens their spirits.
  3. Why did the ghost go to the party?
    Because he heard it was going to be a “booo”-last!
  4. What do you call a ghost’s favorite ride?
    A roller-ghost-er.
  5. Why are ghosts bad at lying?
    Because you can see right through them.
  6. What’s a ghost’s favorite fruit?
  7. Why do ghosts make terrible magicians?
    Because they’re not very transparent about their tricks.
  8. Why don’t ghosts ever tell secrets?
    Because they let everything slip.
  9. What kind of street do ghosts live on?
    Dead ends.
  10. What game do baby ghosts like to play?
  11. Why don’t ghosts like to go out in the rain?
    It dampens their spirits.
  12. What do ghosts do when they want to relax?
    They read the “Boo”-paper.
  13. Why did the ghost quit studying?
    He felt he had nothing more to learn — he was an open book.
  14. Why was the ghost always invited to parties?
    Because he was such a “ghoul” to be around.
  15. What do ghosts use to wash their hair?
  16. Why don’t ghosts use elevators?
    Because they like to raise their spirits.
  17. What kind of makeup do ghosts wear?
  18. Why do ghosts like to go to bars?
    For the boos.
  19. What’s a ghost’s favorite exercise?
    Dead lifts.
  20. What do you call a ghost that loves to dance?
    A boogie man.
  21. What do you get when you cross a ghost with a detective?
    Sherlock Bones.
  22. Why don’t ghosts use social media?
    They like to keep things low-key.
  23. What kind of music do ghosts like?
    Soul music.
  24. How do ghosts like their eggs?
  25. What do fashionable ghosts wear?
  26. Why are ghosts bad at sports?
    They don’t have the guts.
  27. How do you talk to a ghost?
    You use the ghoul-gel.
  28. What do ghosts eat for dinner?
  29. Why was the ghost terrible at telling jokes?
    Because his punchlines were invisible.
  30. What do ghosts drink at breakfast?
  31. What does a ghost say when it gets too warm?
    I’m melting!
  32. What do you call a ghost with a broken leg?
    A hoblin’ goblin.
  33. Why did the ghost break up with his girlfriend?
    She wasn’t his boo anymore.
  34. Why did the ghost open a bakery?
    He wanted to make spooky treats.
  35. What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert?
    Ice scream.
  36. Why do ghosts love elevators?
    It lifts their spirits.
  37. Why did the ghost run for president?
    He wanted to be the leader of the “undead.”
  38. What do ghosts wear in the rain?
    Their ghoulashes.
  39. Why do ghosts hate winter?
    It gives them the chills.
  40. What’s a ghost’s favorite game?
    Hide and shriek.
  41. What’s a ghost’s favorite instrument?
    The spookulele.
  42. Why don’t ghosts make good dancers?
    They have two left feet.
  43. What do ghosts say to trick-or-treaters?
    Boo to you!
  44. Why was the ghost so tired?
    Because he stayed up all night haunting.
  45. What do you get if you cross a ghost with an owl?
    Something that scares you at night.
  46. What is a ghost’s favorite mode of transportation?
    The scare-plane.
  47. Why was the ghost such a great friend?
    He always had his “boo’s” back.
  48. What do ghosts say to each other at weddings?
    Boo are my soulmate.
  49. What kind of tea do ghosts drink?
  50. Why don’t ghosts eat fast food?
    Because it goes right through them.

halloween riddles

Vampire Vibes

  1. What is a vampire’s least favorite food?
  2. Why did the vampire get a job?
    He wanted to earn his own coffin.
  3. Why do vampires like baseball?
    Because they love to bat.
  4. What does a vampire fear the most?
    Tooth decay.
  5. What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
    A blood orange.
  6. What is a vampire’s favorite drink?
    Blood, shaken, not stirred.
  7. Why are vampires bad at cooking?
    Because they suck at it.
  8. How does a vampire start a letter?
    Tomb it may concern.
  9. Why don’t vampires ever have bad days?
    Because they can always count on having a bite.
  10. What’s a vampire’s favorite dog breed?
  11. Why do vampires hate mirrors?
    They never get a good reflection.
  12. What does a vampire take when he’s sick?
    Coffin syrup.
  13. What’s a vampire’s favorite holiday?
  14. Why do vampires avoid hospitals?
    They hate being around blood donors.
  15. Why did the vampire become a comedian?
    He was dying to get a laugh.
  16. What’s a vampire’s favorite candy?
  17. Why do vampires love Halloween?
    Because it’s their time to shine.
  18. What kind of exercise do vampires do?
  19. What’s a vampire’s favorite meal?
    Stake and potatoes.
  20. What do you call a clumsy vampire?
    A stumble-bat.
  21. Why did the vampire subscribe to the newspaper?
    He wanted to keep up with current events.
  22. Why do vampires always read horror novels?
    They’re “fangs” of the genre.
  23. What does a vampire call a blood drive?
    A buffet.
  24. Why was the vampire always calm?
    Because nothing could shake his spirit.
  25. What’s a vampire’s favorite movie?
    Dracula Untold.
  26. How do vampires get around on Halloween?
    They ride their bat-boards.
  27. Why did the vampire break up with his girlfriend?
    She couldn’t handle his biting wit.
  28. What’s a vampire’s favorite restaurant?
    The Blood Bank.
  29. What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
  30. Why are vampires bad at making friends?
    Because they can be a pain in the neck.
  31. What’s a vampire’s least favorite vegetable?
    A stake.
  32. Why do vampires like to tell jokes?
    Because they love a good bite of humor.
  33. What’s a vampire’s favorite mode of transportation?
    A blood-mobile.
  34. Why do vampires never seem to age?
    Because they’ve got eternal life insurance.
  35. What’s a vampire’s worst habit?
    Biting his nails.
  36. What do vampires put on their toast?
    Blood-orange marmalade.
  37. What’s a vampire’s favorite type of coffee?
  38. What does a vampire do after a workout?
    Drinks a pint.
  39. How does a vampire make sure his hair looks great?
    He uses scare-spray.
  40. Why did the vampire always bring a pencil to class?
    Because he wanted to draw blood.
  41. What kind of car does a vampire drive?
    A bloodwagon.
  42. Why did the vampire become an artist?
    Because he loved to draw blood.
  43. What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
  44. What’s a vampire’s favorite pet?
    A bat, of course!
  45. Why don’t vampires like garlic?
    It leaves a bad taste in their mouths.
  46. What do vampires use to keep their teeth clean?
    Blood paste.
  47. What did the vampire say after finishing his dinner?
    That was fang-tastic!
  48. What does a vampire call a snow day?
    An ice bite.
  49. What’s a vampire’s favorite TV show?
    True Blood.
  50. What do you call a vampire who plays basketball?
    Count Dunkula.

halloween riddles

Witchy Wonders

  1. Why don’t witches wear regular hats?
    They need something with a little magic.
  2. Why was the witch a terrible singer?
    Because she was always off-pitch.
  3. What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school?
  4. Why don’t witches ride their brooms when angry?
    They’re afraid of flying off the handle.
  5. What do witches use to style their hair?
  6. Why did the witch go to art school?
    To learn how to draw her spells.
  7. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?
    A sand-witch.
  8. Why did the witch break up with the wizard?
    He swept her off her feet, but couldn’t keep the magic alive.
  9. What kind of car does a witch drive?
    A broom-mobile.
  10. What’s a witch’s favorite sport?
    Broomstick polo.
  11. Why did the witch visit the doctor?
    She had a spell of bad health.
  12. What kind of pets do witches have?
    They have bat-cats.
  13. Why did the witch get a job?
    To bring in a little extra spell-cash.
  14. Why do witches never fly in planes?
    They prefer broomstick travel.
  15. What’s a witch’s favorite TV show?
  16. Why are witches great at soccer?
    They’re good at making hexes.
  17. What did the witch say when her broom broke?
    “Witch” way to the repair shop?
  18. What’s a witch’s favorite candy?
    Licorice spells.
  19. Why do witches have stiff backs?
    From always being hunched over cauldrons.
  20. What’s a witch’s favorite time of day?
  21. Why did the witch start a blog?
    To share her “craft.”
  22. What kind of coffee do witches drink?
  23. Why did the witch join a gym?
    To work on her hex-ercise.
  24. What’s a witch’s favorite class in school?
  25. Why are witches so good at track and field?
    Because they’re good at casting long-distance spells.
  26. What does a witch order at a restaurant?
    A cauldron-brewed stew.
  27. Why do witches love Halloween?
    It’s the perfect time for spellbinding fun.
  28. Why do witches make great detectives?
    They’re experts in witch-hunts.
  29. What’s a witch’s least favorite class in school?
    Chemistry — too much competition with her potions.
  30. How does a witch keep her broom looking new?
    She sweeps it off its feet.
  31. What did the witch say to the skeleton at the Halloween party?
    “Bone up on your spells!”
  32. Why did the witch get kicked out of the Halloween party?
    She stirred up too much trouble.
  33. What’s a witch’s favorite accessory?
    Her spell book.
  34. Why did the witch visit the shoe store?
    To find the perfect pointy shoes.
  35. What kind of bed does a witch sleep in?
    A coffin-bed.
  36. Why do witches avoid the library?
    Because they don’t want to cast any unwanted spells.
  37. What’s a witch’s favorite animal?
    A black cat.
  38. Why do witches love baseball?
    They’re always catching hexes.
  39. Why did the witch start a band?
    To play hex-traordinary music.
  40. What kind of food do witches hate?
    Healthy greens.
  41. Why don’t witches make good chefs?
    Because their potions always boil over.
  42. What does a witch use to measure time?
    A spell-clock.
  43. Why did the witch attend night school?
    She wanted to improve her broom skills.
  44. What’s a witch’s favorite dessert?
    Spell cake.
  45. How do witches stay in shape?
    They do broom-stick lifts.
  46. Why did the witch open a bakery?
    To sell spell-tacular cupcakes.
  47. What’s a witch’s favorite weather?
    Thunderstorms — they’re electrifying.
  48. Why did the witch always carry an umbrella?
    To keep her spells from getting wet.
  49. Why did the witch avoid the internet?
    She didn’t want to get hexed online.
  50. What do witches use to cast spells?
    Wand-erful magic!

halloween riddles

Monster Mash-Up

  1. What kind of monster is best at math?
    Count Dracula.
  2. Why do monsters love parties?
    Because they always have a scream.
  3. What’s a monster’s favorite dessert?
  4. Why did the monster go to school?
    He wanted to improve his boo-grades.
  5. What do monsters do on Halloween night?
    They scare up some fun.
  6. What’s a monster’s least favorite chore?
    Cleaning their room — too many skeletons in the closet.
  7. What kind of music do monsters like?
    Rock and ghoul.
  8. Why don’t monsters eat fast food?
    Because it gives them a “fright” attack.
  9. Why was the monster always on time?
    Because he had fright-ful punctuality.
  10. What’s a monster’s favorite candy?
    Anything that gives them a sugar scare.
  11. What do you call a monster with great rhythm?
    A drum-stein.
  12. Why do monsters hate mirrors?
    They can’t stand their scary reflections.
  13. What do monsters use to write letters?
  14. Why do monsters make terrible basketball players?
    They always lose their heads in the game.
  15. What’s a monster’s favorite movie?
  16. Why do monsters love scary movies?
    Because they love screaming together.
  17. What do you call a monster who works out?
    A gym-ghoul.
  18. Why did the monster visit the dentist?
    He had a fang-tastic toothache.
  19. What’s a monster’s favorite cereal?
    Frosted Frights.
  20. Why do monsters like Halloween?
    Because it’s their time to shine!
  21. What’s a monster’s favorite season?
  22. Why did the monster get a promotion?
    He worked fright-fully hard.
  23. What do monsters eat for breakfast?
    Boo-berry pancakes.
  24. What do you call a funny monster?
  25. Why are monsters bad at school?
    They can’t keep their heads in the books.
  26. What’s a monster’s favorite vegetable?
  27. What kind of monster tells the best jokes?
    The pun-kin.
  28. What did the monster say when he lost his homework?
    I had a grave error.
  29. Why don’t monsters like the dentist?
    Too many fang appointments.
  30. What’s a monster’s favorite toy?
    A Franken-doll.
  31. What’s a monster’s least favorite meal?
    Grave-yard greens.
  32. Why do monsters love riddles?
    Because they’re fang-tastically fun.
  33. What’s a monster’s favorite color?
    Gore-geous green.
  34. What’s a monster’s favorite instrument?
    The “shriek-a-lele.”
  35. Why do monsters never lose in a fight?
    Because they have monstrous strength.
  36. What’s a monster’s least favorite class?
  37. Why did the monster start a band?
    To make fright-ful music.
  38. What’s a monster’s favorite snack?
    Spooky pretzels.
  39. Why did the monster open a gym?
    To help others build monstrous muscles.
  40. What do monsters order at restaurants?
  41. What’s a monster’s favorite activity?
  42. Why do monsters hate studying?
    Because it bores them to death.
  43. What’s a monster’s favorite holiday?
    Halloween, of course!
  44. Why did the monster go to the party?
    Because it was going to be a scream.
  45. What’s a monster’s favorite game?
    Scream tag.
  46. Why do monsters avoid the dentist?
    They’re afraid of losing their fangs.
  47. What do monsters eat for dessert?
  48. Why was the monster always late?
    He was too busy causing havoc.
  49. Why did the monster go to the doctor?
    He wasn’t feeling fang-tastic.
  50. What’s a monster’s favorite book?

These 345 Halloween riddles are guaranteed to add a fun and spooky twist to any gathering.

Perfect for Halloween parties, trick-or-treating, or just enjoying a ghoulishly good time with friends and family, these riddles will entertain everyone from kids to adults.

Enjoy the spooky season, and don’t forget to share your favorite riddles with your “boo” crew!